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Smalti Area Calculator

Select the shape you want to calculate. Then enter the dimensions in inches and click the Calculate Area button. Depending upon your project, you may want to add a percent overage to account for cutting and shaping. For most projects, a 10% overage is appropriate.
Square Square
Area = s2
s = length of side =
  Triangle Triangle
Area = ½b × h
b = base =
h = vertical height =
Rectangle Rectangle
Area = w × h
w = width =
h = height =
  Parallelogram Parallelogram
Area = b × h
b = base =
h = vertical height =
Trapezoid Trapezoid
Area = ½(a+b) × h
h = vertical height =
a =   b =
  circle Circle
Area = πr2
r = radius =
ellipse Ellipse
Area = πab
a =
b =
  Sector Sector
Area = ½r2 x aπ/180
r = radius =
a = angle in degrees =
Percent overage %
Shape sq in
Smalti lbs pieces
Stone lbs pieces
Gold lbs pieces